SOPHIE’S WORDS: Spoken, Written and Sung
On 21st January 2017, along with my daughter and husband, I attended the amazing Womens March in Edinburgh. Loads and loads of gentle, strong women, children and men standing up against hatred and intolerance. After the horrors of Brexit and the rise of Trump in 2016, standing amongst those like-minded souls, and knowing there were hundreds of thousands more standing around the world on the same day, gave me a strong and real sense of hope after feeling so much despair.
I wrote this poem afterwards, which I recently performed at Kino Teatr in Hastings – my first ever Spoken Word performance.
Women’s March
I stand, amidst the turbulence,
Feet wide and firm,
Trying to deflect the waves strong enough to topple,
To brace against the threatening furious fears,
To absorb the power to find the calm.
Can I shout waves loud enough to turn back this rising tide,
A rising tide I don’t want to see?
Do I whisper,
To reluctantly welcome the ebb and flow, surf the changes
Keeping my toes dry?
Or do I jump in and fight?
Risk drowning.
Risk being consumed by waves seemingly larger than myself.
I can duck and dive.
I can float and fly.
I can swim and sway like seaweed, tossed on the ocean floor,
Flailing arms in stormy seas,
Yet, remaining intact, tethered and safe.
I can ride the white horses in the direction I choose
And call the ocean’s spray to sing the words I want to hear.
The words I believe.
And like each tiny, unique snowflake that forms an avalanche
I am but one water molecule amongst a billion,
Bound with attraction to the same ideals.
Flowing in the same direction.
We will be a tsunami,
Ripping out the heart of the fascists, the racists, the sexists.
Yes, I am jumping in,
Feet first, with every intention of getting soaked.
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Brilliant Soph. I too am a molecule in the tide against the fascists, racists & sexists.
yayyyyy, we have covalent bonds. I often pass by Marchmont Road area, and always think of you. xxxx
It was so moving to hear you speak these words Soph-very exciting too!!! Xxx